Oregon’s governor Kate Brown looks great with that junk on her face by the way.
So, do masks work?
Well, what most of us who actually do research or have common sense already know masks are ineffective against Covid. An Epoch Times article revealed that in a couple of different studies that masks either had little to zero effect in stopping the spread of Covid.
The Castro Institute published an analysis of 16 randomized controlled trials comparing mask effectiveness to controlled studies with no masks, 14 did not find a significant benefit. And of 16 “quantitative meta-analyses,” half showed weak evidence of mask effectiveness while the others “were equivocal or critical as to whether evidence supports a public recommendation of masks,” they said.
Assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School< Dr. Johnathan Darrow had this to say, “The biggest takeaway is that more than 100 years of attempts to prove that masks are beneficial has produced a large volume of mostly low-quality evidence that has generally failed to demonstrate their value in most settings,”
“Officials mulling mask recommendations should turn their attention to interventions with larger and more certain benefits, such as vaccines. Based on the evidence currently available, masks are mostly a distraction from the important work of promoting the public health,” he said
Another study in Denmark also showed that masks are largely, ineffective. Here is what they concluded:
The recommendation to wear surgical masks to supplement other public health measures did not reduce the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate among wearers by more than 50% in a community with modest infection rates, some degree of social distancing, and uncommon general mask use. The data were compatible with lesser degrees of self-protection.
How do I feel about masks?
Here is a great article from Townhall that sums it up nicely, it’s like I could have ghost written for the author. But I’m just going to be honest when it comes to this mask nonsense.
I think it is stupid and whenever I see someone with a mask on, I can’t help but question how brainwashed they are. We are almost 2 years into Covid hysteria and people still haven’t taken the time to do their own research to discover the true effectiveness of the mask. I am curious, how long are people going to be walking around with half of their face covered looking scared?
People just throw on a mask either to virtue signal, “hey look at me! I’m wearing a mask and doing my part.” Or they are just simply brainwashed into thinking it will save their lives. I actually saw someone say in a video say they still wear it so people won’t think they are a Republican. Like the great Grant Stinchfield said when he sees someone with a mask it screams, “I’m a liberal and I’m living in fear.”
Whenever I’m in a store and see these sheeple walking around, they look looney with their eyes bugging out darting in different directions.
The part I hate most about traveling is wearing that effing mask on the plane. I heard about a guy who had to take a negative test to come to Texas for a funeral from London, everyone else on the plane produced a negative test as well and yet still had to wear a mask on the entire flight.
The mask lunacy has become a little cultish and unfortunately I don’t think it will end anytime soon for many. I wrote about masks here a few months back and mentioned the owner of the nail salon my wife goes to will be wearing a mask until September 2022.
I trust my immune system to get the job done and fight off viruses. I take vitamin-C daily, exercise, take walks and drink plenty of water. Am I invincible from getting sick? No way. But I do know a mask is not going to save my life.
It also comes down to common sense. When Tarrant County, where I live put in a mask mandate in June of 2020, cases continued to surge as we entered the Fall and Winter seasons. I really began to question the whole mask thing. That didn’t take a whole lot of research or science to come to that realization.
It’s beyond time the full-time maskers by choice come to the same conclusion.
Now if you live in a blue state or county with strict mandates or are in the airline industry and your job depends on it, I feel for you.
Do masks work? I think we know the answer.
If you are interested in finding out more what the Biden admin has planned to America, then order a copy of Radical Nation by Sean Spicer. I own a copy and so far it is great. (I am a paid affiliate with Amazon, so feel free to support to help turn Mixed Texan Politics into something far bigger in the fight for America and honest reporting. Thank you!)
Biden regret has settled in for many. Take a look at my video and check out what some are saying. https://rumble.com/v1c0i4p-biden-voters-express-their-regret.html
In this video I go over some of the meltdowns from the left over the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Click the link below to watch my video on Rumble! https://rumble.com/v1aj44y-liberals-meltdown-after-roe-is-overturned.html
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