In case you haven’t noticed, the Democrats are pushing to turn us into a welfare state.
There is something that gives people a sense of dignity and pride in going to work and producing an income. You go to work and spend hours of your day doing a job in exchange for money to spend on necessities and or things you enjoy doing.
Now, not everyone goes to a traditional job. Some trade stocks, invest in properties or even sell items online as their primary source of income. The point is, you earned it. I think generally speaking, the majority of us do not want government handouts.
Quick story. Back in 2012 I was 24 years old and learned a hard lesson.
I got fired from a job with zero savings and no other source of income to fall back on. In return, my lights and cable got shut off. I also received an eviction notice.
Things got so rough I didn’t even have money for food. I found a local church that was giving out food to those in need. I got in line at the church and took whatever they would give me.
On top of that, I found a program at another local church who gave rental assistance for those experiencing financial hardship. They gave me $150 to go towards my rent, I was grateful for anything.
I didn’t want to do go to the extreme but it was time. I got on food stamps.
I was looking for employment but nothing was coming through. There was also a delay in my background check when trying to get rehired by a previous employer.
My Xbox was even a victim and was pawned for $85.
Needless to say, I felt I had hit rock bottom.
A hard lesson learned as things turned around
Things started to turn around after what was the longest month of my life. My cousin was able to get me hired at his company and my previous employer called back and gave the green light to come back.
I worked 7 days a week until I was out of the financial whole I was in. Some days were 12 hours between the two jobs and Saturdays and Sundays were 5-6 hour shifts each at one.
After I paid back all of the rent that was owed, paid back the electric company and things were finally stable, I called and ended the food stamps after 6 months. The lady on the phone even asked if I wanted to extend and my response was, “No thank you, I’m good now.”
Living off of government programs indefinitely was never an option.
Since then, I’ve built up enough savings to last for about 8-9 months if I were to sit at home and do nothing. I vowed to never live through that again.
After the pandemic hit, my employer shut down but I had a second job which was considered “essential”, so I picked up hours there instead of choosing to take advantage of the generous unemployment benefits.
Democrats plan for a welfare state
An interesting article from Townhall reveals that Mr. Biden is looking to make Afghan evacuees eligible to receive welfare benefits and qualify for a driver’s license or ID card.
They weren’t this kind to the Cubans wanting to flee a communist regime. DHS Secretary Mayokras told Cubans they will be sent back if they attempt to come to America. Could it be that they know the Republican party has a large Cuban base?
Joe Biden seems to be okay with people coming to the country seeking asylum from the southern border though.
Anyway, Democrats are getting closer into turning us into a welfare state.
The pandemic gave them the perfect opportunity to make that a reality.
A recent study reported by the Foundation for Economic Education concluded:
In 19 states, a family of four with two parents who aren’t working can receive benefits roughly equal to a $100,000 annual salary. Across all 25 “blue” states choosing to leave the benefits in place, the average unemployment payout for a family of four exceeds $72,000, significantly more than the median household income of $68,703.
The extra unemployment benefits have ended but here is a graph that shows a correlation with the drop off in unemployment stagnated once the extra $300 a week was implemented in March of 2021
Democrats are pushing a $3.5 trillion spending package which includes “free” community college, child care for low-income families, 12-week paid leave, as well as extending the child tax-credit that pays families $300 a month.
Biden recently increased the per-person food stamps benefits from $121 to $157 which is estimated to cost tax payers $20 billion a year.
This will be paid for by massive tax hikes which will hit your pocket.
According to CNBC, Democrats plan to increase the corporate tax rate from 21% to 26.5% and raise the top individual tax rate from 37% to 39.6%. Those corporate tax increases will be passed on to you through higher prices in goods and services.
This does not resemble the pro-growth policies of Trump I wrote about which led to the greatest economic boom in decades. We saw 3.5% unemployment, rising wages across in multiple demographics and a record number of people employed in the country.
Sorry, I do not want to live in a country where people are disincentivized from working. This is just part of the Democrats plan to make you dependent on government. Don’t fall for it.
Biden regret has settled in for many. Take a look at my video and check out what some are saying.
In this video I go over some of the meltdowns from the left over the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Click the link below to watch my video on Rumble!
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