
Greg Abbott is missing in action at GOP forums

According to the Texas Scorecard, Gov. Greg Abbott has been missing in action from Republican candidate forums.

Abbott has 3 GOP primary challengers for governor of Texas who have all been on the road, taking interviews, questions and meeting with voters. Biggest name of them all, Mr. governor himself seems to have been M.I.A.

I noticed this myself when Abbott skipped the virtual townhall in 2021 with the Texit movement. Every single GOP governor candidate agreed to be apart of the meeting except for the governor himself.

Here is what his challengers had to say on his avoidance on the campaign trail:

“Government exists and is established by the consent of the governed. Public servants are exactly that, servants of the public, the people. Roman Statesman Marcus Tulius Cicero would refer to Governor Abbott’s absence from primary forums as the arrogance of officialdom. It appears that Governor Abbott feels it is beneath him to stand before Republican voters in primary forums. The logical deduction and subsequent decision for Republican primary voters should be it’s beneath them to vote for Governor Abbott.”-Allen West

Don Huffines said the governor sees it as “beneath him” and that he’s “petrified”. Huffines also added, “He’s going to have to be accountable to the Republicans of Texas, and that’s difficult if you’re a RINO.”

Podcaster and GOP challenger to Abbott sees it as suspect. “In my opinion, it’s quite dishonorable, and it certainly doesn’t speak well of his confidence in the job that he’s done. Why won’t you show up to defend your office? Millions of Texans are dissatisfied with Greg Abbott‘s job performance, and they are taking seriously these primary contenders to his office. Why doesn’t Greg Abbott take it seriously? These are the actions of a tyrant who has no fear of Texas citizens, and he certainly doesn’t care about their priorities as proven repeatedly. Weakness does not belong at the helm of Texas leadership.”

The Grassroots of America based in Tyler, TX didn’t invite Abbott to what they said is similar to a job interview. The organization said that the governor disqualified himself when he shut down the Texas economy back in 2020.

I think early in the pandemic is when Abbott lost the confidence in a lot of conservatives, by shutting the state down. Although he was one of the first governors to open their state back up, he was slow to open up certain things over others and even shut down bars for a second time.

Our state’s economy has recovered, I see it every day. Bars and restaurants are packed, movie theaters are busy (when something worthwhile is playing), life is pretty much back to normal here. But The Texas Restaurant Association estimates 9,000-10,000 restaurants have closed in the state.

This is what really hurt Abbott in my opinion, he lost a lot of trust in the very people who put him in office, including myself. Which is why I’m supporting Allen West.

Now, if it comes down to reelecting him or Jumping Jack Flap aka Beto, I am taking Abbott again all day. We all know what a radical left Democrat would do to our state.

In a hypothetical matchup between the two, Greg Abbott is ahead by 15 points, 52-37%.

He is also leading him in a number of categories:

  • Economy: 60 percent say Abbott, while 32 percent say O’Rourke
  • Gun policy: 60 percent say Abbott, while 33 percent say O’Rourke
  • Situation at the border: 58 percent say Abbott, while 35 percent say O’Rourke
  • Pandemic: 54 percent say Abbott, while 39 percent say O’Rourke.

No matter what happens in the primary, we cannot let a radical loon like Beto get into the highest office in the state. Keep Texas red at all costs to avoid going the way of New York or Illinois.