Ithink I can speak for a large portion of the population by saying that. In 2020 America and the rest of the world were pounded by constant fear mongering with this virus. Yes, it should be taken seriously and precautions should be taken, especially those who are in high risk categories. But the level of fear in some people is unreal.
That fear though in America seems to come from Democrats. Hate to say it but when I see someone wearing a mask walking around all alone outside, driving alone in a car, airing up a car tire or even checking the mail at an apartment complex (yes, either my wife or myself have seen all of this stupidity), it screams “I’m a liberal and I’m living in fear”, as the great Grant Stinchfield said of mask wearers.
A recent poll from Rasmussenshowed that 66% of Democrats want mandatory mask mandates even AFTER vaccination. This is just plain lunacy. 26% of Republicans agreed while 66% said no to mask mandates, 39% of the unaffiliated said yes and 52% said no. Overall, 45% want a mandate and 46% do not. When you take out Democrats from the equation, that number would clearly be far lower than 45% wanting stupidity.
You would think that these Democrat voters who love mask wearing would be protesting Joe Biden’s border crisis, which is allowing thousands of people into the country who are infected with Covid-19.
This mask nonsense has gotten out of control. My wife said parents will bring their young children into her work and the kids look at my wife with fear because she’s not wearing a mask. This is lunacy.She also gets dirty looks in public from other women who are wearing masks, as if she’s not doing her womanly duties by not wearing one. Her body her choice right?
You have every right to wear a mask or not wear one. But people do people who wear them look around and see that the people not wearing a mask, are all still have a pulse? Us non-mask wearers tend to get viewed differently by those that do. Here’s another question I have for the masked. When does it end? Will people be wearing them as long as there is at least 1 Covid case in the world?
The guy who owns the nail salon my wife goes to says he is wearing one until the September of 2022. Why then? Maybe he knows just a couple of months after that the Democrats are going to get clobbered in the midterms. How about Jan. 2023? Or why not until June 13, 2022. I don’t know, but there is something significant about September 2022. Wait, I wonder if it is September 9/1/22 or 9/30/22. Who knows but let’s keep an eye one September of next year.
Do masks work?
Whether masks help slow the spread a little or not is up for debate, but did it stop it? Nope. There is no denying that many countries and cities across the globe saw a major uptick in cases despite having a mask mandate in place.
In Francea mask mandate was put in place in mid-May 2020 and cases were less than 50 per one million people per day. That number jumped to close to 500 per day per million by October 2020.
In Spain cases were also far below 50 per one million when the mask mandate was put in place in May 2020. Again, in October 2020 cases surged to around 350 per million a day.
A study in July of 2020 conducted by the CDC showed that out of 154 case-patients, showed that 85% of the people wore a mask always or often when in public.
Just today on August 2nd 2021, University of Minnesota Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy Director Michael Osterholmsaid on CNN, “We know today that many of the people wearing face cloth coverings are not very effective in reducing any of the virus movement in or out. Either you’re breathing out or you’re breathing in.”
We take risks every day
Every time you leave your home you are taking risks. You could be hit by a stray bullet, hit by a car, bit by a deadly insect or even catch the seasonal flu.
We have to learn to live with Covid-19 just like we have learned to live with everything else in life. We deal with the threat of terrorism, violent crime and Democrats in general. Wearing a face covering especially after you have already been vaccinated or had the virus is not really doing much but giving a false sense of security. I realized after the mask mandate was put in place in my county, cases were still rising and we even saw a spike in the winter.
In my state of Texas, governor Greg Abbott signed an Executive Order in July barring any mask mandate in any state or local agency and any public or private entity that is receiving or will receive public funds through any means from mandating masks or requiring proof of vaccination.
“Today’s executive order will provide clarity and uniformity in the Lone Star State’s continued fight against COVID-19,” said Gov. Abbott. “The new Executive Order emphasizes that the path forward relies on personal responsibility rather than government mandates. Texans have mastered the safe practices that help to prevent and avoid the spread of COVID-19. They have the individual right and responsibility to decide for themselves and their children whether they will wear masks, open their businesses, and engage in leisure activities. Vaccines, which remain in abundant supply, are the most effective defense against the virus, and they will always remain voluntary – never forced – in the State of Texas.”
Florida governor Ron DeSantis also signed an Executive Order last month for making mask wearing optional in public schools.
“The federal government has no right to tell parents that in order for their kids to attend school in person, they must be forced to wear a mask all day, every day,” DeSantis said in a statement. “Many Florida schoolchildren have suffered under forced masking policies, and it is prudent to protect the ability of parents to make decisions regarding the wearing of masks by their children.”
Masking should be optional never forced. We now have vaccines available thanks to President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed.Stay vigilant, take care of your health, stay home when feeling sick and if you feel necessary, get a vaccine and live your life.
Biden regret has settled in for many. Take a look at my video and check out what some are saying.
In this video I go over some of the meltdowns from the left over the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Click the link below to watch my video on Rumble!
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