It’s time for an update on Biden’s disaster of a presidency. I think at this point it is safe to say he is very unlikely to rebound in the polls from here.
A little bit below I will post something that sums up where he is perfectly.
So, over at Real Clear Politics he has a 45.4% approval rating and 50.6% disapproval. That is a sharp reversal from the 55.5% approval and 36.0% disapproval he enjoyed after his first week in office.
Rasmussen he has dropped to a 41% approval rating and 58% disapprove. They also took a poll one whether Americans feel the country is on the right or wrong track and only 32% say the we are headed in the right direction.
FiveThirtyEight Biden has a 45.3% approval and a 48.9% disapproval. A huge reversal from where he was in the first week of his term when he enjoyed a 53.0% approval and 36.0% disapproval.
Now if we take a look at Civiq’s we get a wider range of how the American people are feeling. Among 105,000 respondents Mr. Joe has a 41% approval rating and 51% disapproval.
If we break it down by party we get an even clearer picture. Among Democrats, 83% approve but that is down from 90% back in Feb. 2021.
Only 3% of Republicans approve of his job performance, yes 3% and that is actually down from 5% back in February.
Now where it counts the most, Independents he sits at 30% approval and 59% disapproval which is a huge decline from a 42% approval among Independents early on in his term.
In key states he is not doing too well in approval
Pennsylvania: 39%
Michigan 41%
Wisconsin 42%
North Carolina 39%
Iowa 35%
There was also a survey in a Breitbart article, among likely voters when asked about this statement:
“The radical left … want to use this terrible but temporary pandemic as a Trojan horse for permanent socialism. And President Biden, who ran as a unifying moderate, is either powerless to stop them or does not wish to.”
59% agree and 43% strongly agree with the statement.
President Joe Biden was supposed to bring welcome change from Donald Trump. He was going to be the “nice guy” president. He was not going to lie. He was going to be competent and respected.
Eight months into his presidency, he has not done any of these things. Instead, he has left the clear impression that he is in way over his head and that the United States was better under Trump than Biden.
Biden has gotten himself into far more trouble than anyone could have imagined in such a short time in office. He has been the opposite of what was advertised. His has been an administration of dishonesty, chaos, and incompetence, and we still have 40 months left to go.
First, consider the COVID-19 pandemic. Biden was supposed to be the antidote to Trump’s alleged mishandling of the virus. Yet, the weekly average of COVID-19 deaths is higher now than it was in September 2020. This is even more troubling considering vaccines are available now, whereas a year ago, they were not.
Next, the country’s border situation. Biden’s executive actions in his first 100 days reversed several of Trump’s immigration policies. The result has been an illegal immigration crisis, a national security calamit y, and a humanitarian catastrophe plaguing the southwest border.
Trump had stabilized the situation through enforcement and diplomacy with Mexico. Now, the Biden has put out the welcome mat, and illegal immigrant crossings are at their highest level in over two decades — exceeding 210,000. There have been more apprehensions of illegal immigrants now than at any time since April 2000 , and they are all turning themselves in on purpose because they know Biden will let them stay.
Even as illegal border crossings are atrecord highs , expulsions of illegal immigrants are declining rapidly under Biden.
Several other quality of life issues that affect people’s everyday experience have plagued the country since Biden became president. Gas prices are at the highest they have been in years. Inflation is surging . Lackluster job growth is undermining the notion his “Build Back Better” program is helping the country.
Then there was the Afghanistan fiasco, Biden’s biggest embarrassment to date. Biden was caught urging foreign officials to lie about the circumstances so he would not suffer quite as much public opinion fallout. Intelligence community assumptions about the Taliban were later revealed to be false. Biden abandoned Americans in Afghanistan days after he claimed he would never do such a thing and then blamed the people stranded there.
Admitted Biden’s chaotic and disorderly retreat, more U.S. service members were killed in one day than had been in any of the last five years. The international community lost faith in Biden’s leadership. This folly made Biden look disorganized, inefficient, and inexperienced.
When Trump was president, Twitter was more exciting, but the country was doing significantly better. Inflation was not an issue. Job growth was robust, and wages were increasing. Unemployment was approaching record lows. ISIS was essentially nonexistent. Despite our continued presence in Afghanistan, exceedingly few service members were ever killed there in action. And gas prices were among the lowest in the last decade.
While many were critical of Trump’s COVID-19 response, Biden’s is arguably worse. Trump successfully got vaccines developed in a record time. What has Biden done, aside from creating extra drama and failing to get people to take the vaccine? Biden promised he had a plan to deal with the pandemic. If he did, the plan was a bust.
So, yes, many people are now longing for Trump because Biden’s presidency so far has been nothing but false advertising and failure.
Click here if you want to know what you can do to help turn this mess around and stop Democrats from spreading Marxism and destroying the country.
Biden regret has settled in for many. Take a look at my video and check out what some are saying.
In this video I go over some of the meltdowns from the left over the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Click the link below to watch my video on Rumble!
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